Thursday, January 24, 2008

Enfamil Checks!

We have decided that since I am returning to work that we will be strictly formula feeding from now own. Brylee Taite does really well on the formula and she is eating just as much of it as the breastmilk. So we are making the switch for good.

We have figured it up that with the powdered formula we are paying $0.61 per bottle (versus $0.81 per bottle of the pre-mixed formula). So I have set up a log in at and I am receiving Enfamil checks ranging from $4.00 - $7.00 EVERY WEEK. It is wonderful, because unlike a regular coupon these are little checks that can be used together. So some weeks I may only receive $7.00 but like this week I received $18.00 in total checks. I just take them and use them like a regular coupon.

One thing of formula is $26.00, so these checks are very helpful. Here is where you come in, if you would like to help us SAVE SOME MONEY while feeding Brylee Taite in the process...

Go to
Click on Join Enfamil Family Beginnings and sign up.

You will get LOTS of free stuff including the checks and we would LOVE to take them off your hands and use them. Let me know if you decide to help because the checks do expire.

They have been very helpful to us and as Jennifer always says THE MORE THE MERRIER!!

Love Ya Lots!

Congrats to the Stovall's who are expecting another little miracle!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I've got a $10 coupon at home for the 2nd stage enfamil, but I've been told you can use it at some stores for the regular enfamil.


TheWattFamily said...

This is a great idea. I had signed the grandparents up but didn't think to post it and get EVERYONE on board!
Formula is SOOO expensive. In fact, I started buying the Parent's Choice brand with the 2nd child. It's HALF the price and my doctor said it was just as good. (You couldn't have told me that when feeding my first child because she got only the best)...but if money gets tight and the checks start running out, I wanted you to know that I've raised 2 healthy babies on Parent's Choice.