Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Comments II

Just thought I would let everyone know that I was messing with Mrs. Pasalakis who got on to me for not adding any recent posts! I knew she would get a good laugh out of this.

I was just messing with her! I hope no one takes this personally, I figured she would be my first and only comment. I love it! Thanks for checking in on us.

Love you ALL!


Anonymous said...

She gets on to me cause I don't have a new posting by 7 am on Friday morning. We got to figure out something to get her on. If you haven't checked out her site go over and look at the Sal pictures. THEY ARE AWESOME!!

jpasalakis said...

It's about time! This is how I keep up with everyone now....through their blogs. So just keep rambling on about whatever you want...more specifically embarrassing things my brother has done :).