Saturday, February 2, 2008

Long Week...

*Emily is sick with a virus, so please be praying for her to feel better very soon. Helen took her to urgent care last night for some meds.*
Well, I am glad to see that everyone is as excited about NKOTB comeback as I am. I to saw them at Starwood and my life will never be the same. Donnie singing "OH, OH, OH she's my cover girl!!!" I will never wear any other brand of makeup for as long as I live. :)

What a fabulous way to spend a girls night out.

I went back to work this week and I don't know what was worse working or the drive to Mama's to get Brylee. I swear you would think that I never lived out there in my life. It got better towards the end of the week but boy do they live in BFE. She has been making it a point to be up to at least smile for her Mommy every morning and I just love it. Here she is on my first day back - tired, but awake.
Brylee is sleeping through the night and doing GREAT! She had her last Chiro visit on Wednesday and Dr. Barbara was in the office. She knew exactly who Brylee was, which I thought was awesome considering she has only seen her once. She held her and rubbed her head and said it looked better. She said it was still to soon to tell about a helmet but to just keep doing what we are doing. She did recommend a few more shaping treatments with the Chiro just to shape her head, no more neck cracking. She has some appt.'s scheduled for the shaping next week. Please keep praying for her.

Guess who held their GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER for the first time yesterday and was so excited.

Brylee Taite and her Great Gramps. He even got a smile out of her.

Love you All!

1 comment:

jpasalakis said...

Poor Emily :(. Look at that little pouty lip on Brylee Taite. She misses her mommy!!