Friday, November 2, 2007

Sorry for the delay, but time is spent preparing or resting these days. Here are a few updates. Jennifer, I can't post the picture because I don't have it here. Send it over and I will add it.

Two Week's Before The Last Visit

I am miserable! My feet and ankles are swelling and my back is killing me. But other than that I could not be happier.

We are measuring at 35 weeks and I am 34.5 weeks prego. We are going every week now. My next appt. is Thursday at 3pm. Brylee’s heart rate was at a little over 140 and everything else was good. Blood pressure was normal and I gained 3 lbs., so a total of 28 lbs so far.

She said that I needed to watch my feet and ankles because swelling in normal from here on out but should one of my feet/ankles swell a lot more than the other that I need to give her a call. All the other Dr.’s in the practice seem to be booked up and I will probably only see Dr. Moore and Redden from here on out. Which is Ok, since a lot of you see Jones and McGowan delivered Claire I am Ok if I don’t meet them and they are the ones that deliver her because obviously you guys trust them! She told me to eat a banana a day because I have been getting leg cramps. (The first I have had the entire pregnancy came on the other night in BOTH legs, it was horrible) She said that the other pains I was feeling were just my ligaments getting ready for her debut.
This Week's Visit

Well, well, well, we went to the Dr. yesterday and her heart rate was 150, I gained 1 lb, and was measuring at 37 weeks and I am in going into my 36th week. They did the Strep B test on me which is to test and make sure there will be no complications in delivering naturally. We go back next Friday morning at 10:30am. I am also dilated to a 1. I will be able to see the rest of the Dr.'s in the practice over the next three weeks. Thanks goodness. We will keep you posted!

Brian and I also celebrated out TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY! He bought be a beautiful bouquet and the sweetest card. Then when I called to thank him, I was surprised with out wedding song Wonderful Tonight as my new ringback tone. I just LOVE him and could not be happier.

1 comment:

jpasalakis said...

PROGRESS! Yippee! I think she might be here by Thanksgiving.