Sunday, November 25, 2007


Can you freaking believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was telling Brian that we were prego and now I am telling him OMG she will be here in about a week. We are very excited and finally all packed for the hospital. My bags and Brylee's bags are packed. Brian has a change of clothes at Tara's house in the Boro' if he happens to be at work when we head to the hospital, he will have time to leave work, swing by Tara's, shower, and change before he heads up there. Emily's BIG SISTER bag is packed and ready, filled with her DVD player, DVD's, Big Sister Shirt & Ribbon, Crayons/Coloring Book, and her gift to her little sister. Helen will be bringing Emily to the hospital as soon as she gets that call and this way Emily will have something to do if she has to wait for her sister to arrive. We are so excited and so blessed to have such wonderful and caring family and friends.

If I make it through work Monday the 26th, I will have reached my 1 year anniversary with Bemis and will be paid for 6-8 weeks of time off with Brylee. So please continue to pray we make it through the day.

I am getting very nervous and would be very interested to here your stories. Signs of labor, when you headed to the hospital, how long you were in labor, and any of the other goodies that they may sugarcoat in the child birth classes. Leave them on my comments or email me at We will keep you posted, so stay tuned for more Brylee Taite updates! We go to the Dr. Tuesday the 27th at 10:30am.


Anonymous said...

We were already at the hospital (thank goodness) preparing to be induced, but Miss Anna Claire had other plans. I was still only 1cm at 8:00pm on 4/25, no signs of labor and no contractions were showing on the monitor. I got the first 1/2 of the pill behind my cervix at 10pm, was suppose to get 1/2 a pill every 4 hours until 10am on 4/26. I only got the one 1/2 pill. My water broke at 3:30am 4/26 - 1st sign of labor that I got. I was in labor a total of 4 hours and 21 minutes. I pushed for 51 minutes (seemed like 10 minutes bc time went by so fast) and Anna Claire arrived at 7:51am on 4/26/07. Dr. McGowan didn't expect her until late afternoon on 4/26/07, possible 4/27/07. - Wasn't prepared for the pain the next day at all!! The epidural was wonderful and I noticed the other day, 7 months later, that the spot where it was is still tender. Anna Claire rolled over and kicked me where the epidural was and I about jumped out of bed! It was all worth it though!

TheWattFamily said...