Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dr. Update

We went to the Dr. yesterday for our ultrasound and it was so neat. We got to see Brylee in a whole new way. Here is a little picture of her face that I just think is fabulous. We could see her heart beating and her spine, legs, arms, and feet. They were much bigger this time than the last.

They could not get a really good measurement of her head because she is so low, but they are estimating 7lbs 9oz. The Dr. said that I was still dilated to 1 and that she did not see any reason that I should not be able to deliver naturally. She said they would monitor the delivery and the baby before they could make a decision as the whether a c-section would be necessary, but she did not feel we needed to schedule one at this time. So, please keep us in your prayers because I really don't want to have a c-section if we can help it.

Love Ya!

1 comment:

Lawson said...

I'm glad to hear that everythng is ok. Keep me posted!!!!
