Sunday, September 30, 2007

9 more weeks!

I am still a little shocked when I say it out loud. It seems like just yesterday we were telling our friends and family the wonderful news and in approximately nine weeks we will be able to look at our beautiful baby girl. We are going to the Dr. every two weeks until the end of October and then we will start going weekly. She moves all the time and it is so neat. We went to the Dr. Friday and I had gained 3 lbs. (total of 24 so far), I was so excited to not have gained 7 lbs. like I did that one month. Then Good Ole' Negative Nelly piped in: Mama says "Well it's only been 2 weeks!" We all laughed, because I hadn't realized it either and of course when Mama did she had to share. We start childbirth classes this week and will be touring the hospital soon. We are pre-registered and ready to go. Our next appt. is the 11th.

Our friends Lindsey and Chad had their twins Gavyn and Grayson a week ago today. They are in the NICU at MTMC. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, everyone seems to be doing really well from what I am told.

I am very excited about the Baby Shower this coming Saturday. I just cannot wait!

Brian is working his last week on night shift this week, and will be back on days after this. We are very excited although I will admit me, Laney, and Lilley have taken over the bed, but we have no problem making room for Daddy!

We have the house decorated and are ready for Halloween. We hope you can make it to the Party October 20th.

1 comment:

jpasalakis said...

I'm glad you decided to take the childbirth classes. I found them helpful and the tour of the hospital was good just so you know what to expect.