Friday, September 5, 2008

9 Months Old!!

Well, we had our 9 month follow up yesterday. Brylee Taite is 17 lbs 8oz and 27.5 inches long. She is right in track with her development. She got one shot and while she was crying she sounded just like her Uncle E when he makes his Chewbacca sound. It was kinda funny to hear that because she never cries like that any other time. She was a real trooper and was fine in just a couple of minutes. Her next visit is Dec. 4th and she will be 1 year old! My little girl is growing so fast.

Guess I better start planning for her very 1st Birthday Party soon! I think it will be Backyardigan themed. She absolutely loves them. She gets so excited when she hears the intro song that she stops whatever she is doing and starts waving her hands in the air and talking along with them. She loves music in every form and has recently starting singing along with Pablo the Backyardigan. She listens to the CD in the car and has a little Pablo doll that goes with us and a singing Pablo for the floor. She loves them and can’t seem to get enough of them. It is precious.

Last night was her very first night to sleep without her Paci. She normally does not use it during the day, but likes to have it at nighttime. She did really well and only woke up twice wanting it. So say a little prayer that she continues like this.

Gramps is home and doing better. We sent some food over this morning for him to munch on. Pot roast, fried okra, beans, and cornbread. YUM YUM!

Have a great weekend! Love ya.