Brylee Taite was one week old yesterday! She is a beautiful baby girl and we could not be happier.
We (Me, Brian, and My Mom) went in last Sunday 12/2/2007 at around 7pm. We arrived a little early and spent the next few hours attempting to get my IV in. It took three nurses, one rapid response nurse, and 6 tries to accomplish this task. I was in so much pain and my mom was getting MAD! It was ridiculous. They had the hardest time.
When they checked me upon my arrival I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced so they decided not to give me the pill. I was given ambien to sleep that night and apparently began to see little people everywhere. Mama and Brian said I was hilarious. They came in to begin the induction process around 3am and the contractions began shortly after, nothing to bad YET! I am not sure when I got the epidural but I think it was close to 10am. I began pushing around noon and pushed for about four hours and the Dr. ended up having to use a suction thing (not sure what it was called) to help pull her out.
I was a rough labor and I can honestly say that I cannot imagine it without the drugs.
Brylee Taite arrived at 3:40pm.
How dang cute is she!!! I'm glad she arrived here safely...even if she took her time about it.
Congratulations!! Hope everyone is doing well!! Hope to see you soon!
I have been checking this website for pictures and I'm so proud that everything went well.
She is BEAUTIFUL! I hope you're getting plenty of rest (yeah right).
she is the cutest thing sorry i couldn't get up to see you but i was a little bit sick but can't wait till Christmas so i can see her i know you both are so proud love you all Great Aunt Mary Lou
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