Brylee had a very busy 1st Christmas. She and Emily got so many wonderful things. We have not gotten our pictures developed or loaded yet, so I will add them later. Here are a few shots of Ms. Brylee from my phone.

She was such a good girl everywhere we went. She slept most of the time, but Uncle E caught her with her eyes open and got some GREAT pictures. I will post them later as well. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
I'm jealous now!! Lilley Blossom can lick her but all I want to do is hold her cute little booty! Maybe next time. I didn't ask to hold her 'cause I had saw your blog saying you didn't want germy hands!See you next year, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
You know if anyone has germy hands it's Heather. LOL! Just teasing. Love all the pictures of Brylee Taite.
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