Friday, December 28, 2007

1st Christmas

Brylee had a very busy 1st Christmas. She and Emily got so many wonderful things. We have not gotten our pictures developed or loaded yet, so I will add them later. Here are a few shots of Ms. Brylee from my phone.

Ms. Lilley Blossom just cannot seem to get enough of Brylee Taite she just looks at her and licks her all the time. Maybe she likes the Kayro Syrup??

She was such a good girl everywhere we went. She slept most of the time, but Uncle E caught her with her eyes open and got some GREAT pictures. I will post them later as well. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sweet Taiterbug

Thank You Uncle E for fixing the computer for my Mommy and Daddy!!

Our little Taiterbug has been busy as a little bee lately. She went with me and Mama to pick up her Uncle Chance from school yesterday and then we ran a few errands and picked up some Christmas presents. She is such a wonderful little girl. She is sleeping really well and only wakes up around 1am for a feeding then again at 5am. She is doing GREAT!

Her chord fell off yesterday and as you can tell, she was very excited about it. Brian and I were very glad. We were a little scared to clean it but then Nanny and the Dr. showed us how and Mommy had to break down and clean it out good. Now we just have the cutest little belly button!

We went to visit Aunt Lindy at school today and she showed her off to every teachers that she could find. Of course Aunt Lindy was telling them that she was the prettiest baby in the world. (I cannot argue) She had her picture taken with Santa and it is so cute. Aunt Lindy is getting some copies made for us. Brylee was sound asleep the whole time, and it was too cute. Lindy explained to her kids that they could not touch Brylee because she may get sick from their germs. She told them that if she got sick that I would never bring her back and of course they did not want that.

We have also found that Ms. Brylee Taite prefers to just stretch out. She does not like to be held a lot, she would rather be laying around without being bothered. Which is a good thing considering this is cold and flu season and her Mommy would much rather everyone look but not touch. I know I am a little anal, but I am the one who will have to take care of her if she gets sick so I guess I have every right to be. She is a really good baby and she is absolutely adorable, Brian and I could not be happier.

Brylee and I met some of the family last night at Legend's to celebrate Brian's Grandpa's birthday. Of course we were late, Brian had to work. I had the hardest time getting the car seat our of the car. She slept the entire time, then when Uncle E was helping me out to the car we noticed that my front windows were down. Apparently I hit the button while the keys were in my pocket and did not notice it. I can only get easier!!

We are patiently waiting for Friday because Big Sister will be coming over and Emily and Brylee will get to spend their 1st Christmas Eve together!! I think Emily is just as excited as we are. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

P.S. - Lana, I wanted to let you know that we HATE the Pampers and have been using nothing but Huggies since about three days after we made it home. The Pampers seem to leak everywhere. I thought you would get a kick out of that!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Dr. Visit

Brylee had her first Dr. visit on Wednesday. She did very well, she slept all the way there and back. She only cried when we had to strip her down to her diaper for the checkup. She is back up to her birth weight of 7 lbs. 11 oz. which was very good. The Dr. said she looks very healthy and seems to be getting everything that she needs. She is eating and sleeping very well this week. She is waking up twice throughout the night to eat and then goes right back to sleep.

The breastfeeding is going very well; however I have found she seems to get fuller, faster when I pump into the bottles. So I think that is the way we will be going. I don't mind the pump at all and she is still getting all that benefits of breast milk so I am all for it. She is such a good girl.

She changes more and more everyday. I swear she looks like a totally different child each and everyday, of course she just keeps getting cuter. Her Nanny and Papa came by today and she just looks at them while they talk to her like she understands every word. It is so precious. We just love her so much and are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Laney and Lilley are so protective of her. They bark when someone comes over (like always) and Brylee never even flinches. They watch her constantly and just love her so much. We placed a little bow in her hair with karo syrup the other day and I laid her in her boucy seat when I looked down to check on her I saw Lilley down beside her, like always when she is in her bouncy seat, only this time she was licking her head trying to get the karo syrup off. It was hilarious and Brylee could have cared less.

She goes back to the Dr. January 8th 1pm.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One Week Old!

Brylee Taite was one week old yesterday! She is a beautiful baby girl and we could not be happier.

We (Me, Brian, and My Mom) went in last Sunday 12/2/2007 at around 7pm. We arrived a little early and spent the next few hours attempting to get my IV in. It took three nurses, one rapid response nurse, and 6 tries to accomplish this task. I was in so much pain and my mom was getting MAD! It was ridiculous. They had the hardest time.

When they checked me upon my arrival I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced so they decided not to give me the pill. I was given ambien to sleep that night and apparently began to see little people everywhere. Mama and Brian said I was hilarious. They came in to begin the induction process around 3am and the contractions began shortly after, nothing to bad YET! I am not sure when I got the epidural but I think it was close to 10am. I began pushing around noon and pushed for about four hours and the Dr. ended up having to use a suction thing (not sure what it was called) to help pull her out.

I was a rough labor and I can honestly say that I cannot imagine it without the drugs.

Brylee Taite arrived at 3:40pm.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We Are Home!!!



3:40 PM

7 LBS 11 OZ

19 3/4 INCHES

We are having some trouble with thw website, but we will keep you posted. We are not able to upload photo's so make sure to watch the slide show. That is the only way I can get them added.

We made it home Wednesday and after pushing from 12:30pm -3:40pm, our little miracle arrived safe and sound. The last few days have been very rough. Brian has been exceptional and I could not ask for more. Emily is thrilled and Laney and Lilley are doing great with her.

More updates to come. Love you all!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tomorrow, Tomorrow - You're Only a Day AWAY!!!

We will be checking into MTMC at 8:00pm tomorrow night. They will be giving me the IV at some point and monitoring Brylee's heartbeat. Around 4:00am on Monday morning they will give me a pill to help me dilate. And hopefully Ms. Brylee Taite will be here before we know it.

We are all very excited and waiting her arrival.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Make sure to check the website for pictures of our little one are coming soon!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We went to the Dr. today and I walked in joking with her. She asked when we were going to have this baby and I said let's do it today! She laughed and said well let's check you and see where you are. Blood pressure was great, lost 2 lbs. (that's 31 lbs. gained), Brylee's heart rate was 140, dilated to about 1.5, and still 70% effaced.


They sent the ultrasound results to their maternal fetal group Dr's., they handle all the high risk pregnancies, and they were estimating that Ms. Brylee could weigh 8 lbs. 5 oz. versus the 7 lbs. 9 oz. that we were told last time. So roughly somewhere between the two for her estimated weight. She does not see any reason at this time I will not be able to deliver without a c-section, but it will just depend on the labor.


I have called Labor and Delivery and they have a room available TONIGHT, and she was on call tomorrow, so we could induce then. She then tells me that we still have one more week to full term so it was really up to us.


We have decided to give her until her due date of 12/2/2007 SUNDAY and if she is not here by then, we are heading to the hospital at 8pm Sunday night and they will begin the IV and induce on MONDAY!!!

We are very excited, but still wanted to give her time to come on her own. If we induce, Dr. Moore will be delivering. I am very hopeful that she will be the one to deliver Brylee because we all love her and she has a GREAT sense of humor. So she could be here any day now. Please keep us in your prayers and please pray that we do not have to have a c-section unless it is really necessary. Keep checking on us. I will add some pictures of Ms. Brylee soon!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Can you freaking believe it. It seems like just yesterday I was telling Brian that we were prego and now I am telling him OMG she will be here in about a week. We are very excited and finally all packed for the hospital. My bags and Brylee's bags are packed. Brian has a change of clothes at Tara's house in the Boro' if he happens to be at work when we head to the hospital, he will have time to leave work, swing by Tara's, shower, and change before he heads up there. Emily's BIG SISTER bag is packed and ready, filled with her DVD player, DVD's, Big Sister Shirt & Ribbon, Crayons/Coloring Book, and her gift to her little sister. Helen will be bringing Emily to the hospital as soon as she gets that call and this way Emily will have something to do if she has to wait for her sister to arrive. We are so excited and so blessed to have such wonderful and caring family and friends.

If I make it through work Monday the 26th, I will have reached my 1 year anniversary with Bemis and will be paid for 6-8 weeks of time off with Brylee. So please continue to pray we make it through the day.

I am getting very nervous and would be very interested to here your stories. Signs of labor, when you headed to the hospital, how long you were in labor, and any of the other goodies that they may sugarcoat in the child birth classes. Leave them on my comments or email me at We will keep you posted, so stay tuned for more Brylee Taite updates! We go to the Dr. Tuesday the 27th at 10:30am.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


We decorated for Christmas a little earlier this year considering Ms. Brylee could be here any day now. I am still feeling pretty good. I work Monday and then I have vacation the rest of the week. I go to the Dr. Tuesday to see Dr. Moore and then find out if I have dilated anymore. Keep us in your prayers and pray that I make it through my last work day!! Love Ya and Happy Turkey Day! We are ready to EAT!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dr. Update

We went to the Dr. yesterday for our ultrasound and it was so neat. We got to see Brylee in a whole new way. Here is a little picture of her face that I just think is fabulous. We could see her heart beating and her spine, legs, arms, and feet. They were much bigger this time than the last.

They could not get a really good measurement of her head because she is so low, but they are estimating 7lbs 9oz. The Dr. said that I was still dilated to 1 and that she did not see any reason that I should not be able to deliver naturally. She said they would monitor the delivery and the baby before they could make a decision as the whether a c-section would be necessary, but she did not feel we needed to schedule one at this time. So, please keep us in your prayers because I really don't want to have a c-section if we can help it.

Love Ya!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not much longer...






Where, oh where have my ankles gone?? The swelling is worse than ever these days and I am sore in places I never knew I had. But not much longer. Exactly 20 days to the due date, but we will know more Friday after the ultrasound. I am so nervous, excited, ready, scared, happy, and so many other things I cannot even begin to explain. We are finishing up getting the last few things assembled and ready for Brylee's homecoming and even Lane and Lil seem to be getting ready. They have been so much more calm than usual and have been such good girls. I know they will be great with Brylee, with a little jealousy of course. Emily is really excited and I love to hear her enthusiasm. She is going to be the GREATEST BIG SISTER EVER! As you can see from the below Brian and I are not the only ones who are worn out these days. So much to do and so little time to do it in, we are all tired.

I received a package on Saturday from one of the planners I work with in Wisconsin. Thank You Lana! She is so sweet. Lana and I have never met face to face, but we have carried on numerous phone conversations at work. She is wonderful. She lives in Appleton, WI and sent us some goodies. Lana has recently moved to a new position within KC, so I don't get to talk to her daily anymore, but we still keep in touch. Brylee got two new outfits, including her very first pair of denim capri's/jeans. They are so tiny and oh so adorable. I was so excited to receive the package. I am very fortunate because I get to work with such wonderful people everyday, some in TN and others in WI.

I had a shower at work yesterday and we got a lot of great stuff and lots of gift cards, so I am thinking shopping spree this weekend for sure!

I promised J-Pac I would post my prego Halloween pic, so here ya go. The shirts a little snug, but I had to have something Halloween on for my trick or treater's. And if you ask me, I must say I look far better than my husband.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Brylee Taite Update

Well, we went to the Dr. again today and everyone is fine. We actually LOST a pound this week. Blood pressure was good and heart rate was 140. I am dilated to a 1 still, but am now 70% effaced. She said she could come early, but she may not. If I hang in for another week, Brylee will be considered full term if delivered after the 37th week.

She also requested that we scheduled and ultrasound for next Friday to see how big Ms. Brylee is. This concerned me, but I would much rather know now than try to squeeze out a 10 pounder. She thinks she will weigh around 7-8 lbs.

Keep us in your prayers! She may be here on her Uncle Chance’s Birthday (Nov. 23rd)!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Sorry for the delay, but time is spent preparing or resting these days. Here are a few updates. Jennifer, I can't post the picture because I don't have it here. Send it over and I will add it.

Two Week's Before The Last Visit

I am miserable! My feet and ankles are swelling and my back is killing me. But other than that I could not be happier.

We are measuring at 35 weeks and I am 34.5 weeks prego. We are going every week now. My next appt. is Thursday at 3pm. Brylee’s heart rate was at a little over 140 and everything else was good. Blood pressure was normal and I gained 3 lbs., so a total of 28 lbs so far.

She said that I needed to watch my feet and ankles because swelling in normal from here on out but should one of my feet/ankles swell a lot more than the other that I need to give her a call. All the other Dr.’s in the practice seem to be booked up and I will probably only see Dr. Moore and Redden from here on out. Which is Ok, since a lot of you see Jones and McGowan delivered Claire I am Ok if I don’t meet them and they are the ones that deliver her because obviously you guys trust them! She told me to eat a banana a day because I have been getting leg cramps. (The first I have had the entire pregnancy came on the other night in BOTH legs, it was horrible) She said that the other pains I was feeling were just my ligaments getting ready for her debut.
This Week's Visit

Well, well, well, we went to the Dr. yesterday and her heart rate was 150, I gained 1 lb, and was measuring at 37 weeks and I am in going into my 36th week. They did the Strep B test on me which is to test and make sure there will be no complications in delivering naturally. We go back next Friday morning at 10:30am. I am also dilated to a 1. I will be able to see the rest of the Dr.'s in the practice over the next three weeks. Thanks goodness. We will keep you posted!

Brian and I also celebrated out TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY! He bought be a beautiful bouquet and the sweetest card. Then when I called to thank him, I was surprised with out wedding song Wonderful Tonight as my new ringback tone. I just LOVE him and could not be happier.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fall Break!

Emily had her fall break this week and I took a few days off to spend some extra time with her. Rowena dropped her off to me Wednesday afternoon at work and had made some cinnamon rolls (sorry no pics, we ate them). You saw the bread and I know your mouths were all watering and the cinnamon rolls were just as fabulous. She and Emily even had a little one for Brylee, which of course I ate on the way to the house that afternoon. Tara was laughing because she called and I was trying to drive, talk on the phone, and eat my cinnamon roll. She asked if I couldn't have just waited til I got home, but Brylee wanted hers right away.

We had a very busy and very fun fall break. Thursday we got up and watched some tv, then went and visited Lindy's class. Emily attended music with them. Then we headed to get Brylee a large diaper bag and I swear I still don't think it is big enough for all the stuff I think I am going to need. We then headed to Dr. Kazmarska's office to talk with her about becoming Brylee's pediatrician. She is very nice and seems to care a lot about the kids. She knew Emily right off the bat. If you have used her or have an opinion I would appreciate it. Brian likes her and so does Emily. My only concern is that should she ever need to be hospitalized she would have to got the BCMC and then bee referred to Vanderbilt, due to Dr. Kazmarska's privileges there. I am a little eerie of that because as you all know I am no fan of BCMC. **Let me know your thoughts** We then met Amanda Crews and headed to the Boro for dinner and a tour of the hospital. I got a little light headed in the delivery room, but I am not a hospital person.

Friday we headed back to the Boro and met Aunt Jennifer and Molly Kate at Chuck E Cheese's. Emily had a ball and got 229 tickets. She was so sweet and shared tokens with all of us. Molly Kate seemed to like the pizza a lot. If Jennifer was to slow about handing her a piece she just reached out and grabbed for what she wanted. We had a ball. I cannot wait to do it again.

Saturday Brian and Emily met up with the rest of the family at Applebee's for a pancake breakfast benefiting St. Judes. Me, Mama, and Tara headed to the craft fair. I did GREAT this year, I bought some gourmet dog treats, Brian a peach fried pie, and two Elf stakes for the yard and had Emily and Brylee placed on their little hats. They are adorable. Tara bought a few things and needed to drop them at the car so I sat on a hay bale and ate some roasted corn and waited for them to return. Then we had some lunch, not as good as it normally is and I never found the peanut brittle for Brian. We left around 1:30, I was still hungry. Emily and I came home and talked Daddy into taking us to Mexican were we ran into Rochelle and Sondra. Rochelle kept tickling Emily on the neck and we had her thinking there was a bug in El Mexico getting her, until she caught Rochelle in the act. We decided that since we canceled the Halloween Party this year that we would roast hot dogs and marshmallows anyway. We got Chance and then built the fire and cooked our dinner.

Sunday we packed our bags for the hospital. I am sure that I have forgotten something so if you have any suggestions of can think of something I may have forgotten please tell me. I had a great helper Emily, checking things off the list and counting down 6 MORE WEEKS! Brian and Emily played horse shoes hung out at the house after that and I ran to T-town with Mama. Guess we will all have to suck it up and go to work tomorrow.

Love You All!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

So much to do, so little time...

Well in case you were wondering we have been very busy lately and I feel like there is still so much to do. I am almost finished washing all Brylee's clothes from the shower. Emily has a couple of BIG SISTER shirts that I am getting ready for her. One for our house if she is with us when Ms. Brylee decides to make her debut and one for her to keep at Mommy's house in case she is not. She has been such a big help and I just cannot wait to see the two of them together.

Now, let's see there is just so many things to tell you. I will start with the KENNY! In case you all did not know Kenny Chesney was in Wartrace a few weeks ago shooting a video. I had planned to go over on my lunch break but got busy. Luckily I received this picture from someone who was there.

I was informed later the following day while talking to Mama, that Daddy came home talking about how Wartrace was all blocked off and there were police cars everywhere. He said he did not know what was going on. Mama informed him that Kenny was there shooting a video then Daddy realized that it was Kenny walking down the street waving at him as he passed through the town. I should have went to work with Daddy that day.

My shower was last Saturday and we got a lot of GREAT and MUCH NEEDED stuff. Thank you all for everything, it was wonderful. Here is a little collage that Lindy put together for us as well as a picture of me and Emily with the tiny bracelet that we received from The Coop's with her little name engraved on it.

As you can see from the above Ms. Molly Kate was having the time of her life! Claire decided to have some watermelon before she headed home and it was too funny to watch her.

We headed to the pumpkin patch Sunday with Grandma, Molly Kate, and Chance. Everyone had a really nice time. We had a very bumpy hayride which Molly pretended to be asleep while laying on Grandma's shoulder, but when I looked over she was wide awake just looking around. I think she really enjoyed all the pumpkins. Below is a video on Grandma, Brian, Emily, and Molly searching for the perfect pumpkin.

They also had a glider rope that Grandma and Emily went on.

My wonderful husband came home the other night with the dessert of my dreams. I am not a big ice cream person and I have really been wanting hot fudge a lot lately. So I asked him to get me a hot fudge cake sundae from Sonic without the ice cream. He thought I was joking at first but got it anyway. He was just grinning when he walked in the door holding my cup of fudge. He said the girls at Sonic came out several times to confirm his order of a hot fudge cake sundae with no ice cream but extra hot fudge. When the girl finally brought him his order she asked if he was having a major sugar rush, he replied nope got a pregnant wife.

OK - Now for the funniest story. We went yesterday to get Brylee's travel system from USA Baby in Franklin. Well once we finally decided on the prefect one we approached the counter to find out if it would need to be ordered or if they had it in stock. There was a couple around 50 I would say that was talking to another person behind the counter. The woman was holding a tiny baby and asked the clerk if she would like to hold her. She passed the baby over the counter and the clerk was holding it and looking at it very strangely. Mama, Lindy, and I thought it was very odd that she was passing off this baby to the clerk. As we walked closer to the counter you could see the babies head and a little pink bow in her short hair. Mama says OH HOW PRECIOUS - at which time to our surprise the lady starts to unwrap her from her blanket. The baby appeared to be a very newborn baby lightly colored and of oh so tiny. She then proceeds to tell us...

SHE IS NOT REAL!!!! We all take a closer look at this point Mama is touching the baby and sure as shit, it is a doll. At this point we are all a little confused but whatever. This child looked as real as any baby I have ever seen in my life. Well the sales clerk follows us over to the travel systems as which time she is so flustered she apologized to us but continued to say that she wished the woman, husband, and DOLL would just leave because they creep her out. She said it just was not normal, they were weird.

We are still a little confused at this point only to find out that this woman, whom has two houses in the Franklin area has just purchased TWO: cribs, armories, changing tables, changing pads, covers, bedding sets, and all the other necessities for a new baby for this DOLL! The clerk tells us that she has spend over $5,000 just this visit on the DOLL! We are completely dumbfounded at this point. We pay and are told to go to the back dock to pick up our travel system.

Well guess who else is making a pick up at the back dock with us, oh yes THE DOLL FAMILY! We sent Lindy up to the dock to get our things and are looking around at their vehicle. They had a Dodge truck with a camper over the bed and a large trailer on the back. Mama and I are in the car laughing so hard, we were discussing where the baby was because both the man and the woman were out side at the dock. Mama says she is in her car seat I am sure. I am like whatever, Mama says I'll bet you $10 that doll is in a car seat. So I got out of the car and headed over to the truck acting as if I was checking on Lindy. Well you can bet your ass that DOLL was in the car seat, buckled in, pacifier in her mouth, and wrapped tightly in her blanket.

We are cracking up when Lindy arrives back at the car with our stuff only to inform us that we should have been on the docks. The employees were are freaked out by this couple whom we later found out his name was Steve. Well Steve and his wife had called in advance and wanted the dimensions to each box so that they could carefully plot out how everything would be loaded into the truck and trailer and that this was not there first trip to USA Baby for the DOLL. We were very disappointed with the fact that Lindy had spent so much time up at the docks with these people and never once asked the babies name.

You have to feel a little sorry for them because we have no idea the circumstances, but it was by far the strangest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I called Robyn as we were leaving at which point she informed me to get out of there because she was probably one of those people scoping out the baby store looking for a pregnant mom to kill and take her baby from the womb.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

9 more weeks!

I am still a little shocked when I say it out loud. It seems like just yesterday we were telling our friends and family the wonderful news and in approximately nine weeks we will be able to look at our beautiful baby girl. We are going to the Dr. every two weeks until the end of October and then we will start going weekly. She moves all the time and it is so neat. We went to the Dr. Friday and I had gained 3 lbs. (total of 24 so far), I was so excited to not have gained 7 lbs. like I did that one month. Then Good Ole' Negative Nelly piped in: Mama says "Well it's only been 2 weeks!" We all laughed, because I hadn't realized it either and of course when Mama did she had to share. We start childbirth classes this week and will be touring the hospital soon. We are pre-registered and ready to go. Our next appt. is the 11th.

Our friends Lindsey and Chad had their twins Gavyn and Grayson a week ago today. They are in the NICU at MTMC. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, everyone seems to be doing really well from what I am told.

I am very excited about the Baby Shower this coming Saturday. I just cannot wait!

Brian is working his last week on night shift this week, and will be back on days after this. We are very excited although I will admit me, Laney, and Lilley have taken over the bed, but we have no problem making room for Daddy!

We have the house decorated and are ready for Halloween. We hope you can make it to the Party October 20th.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rachel's Recipe

I was looking through one of my older Rachel Ray magazines yesterday, for those of you who get the magazine or watch the show; you know she always has some fun idea for animals. Well, I came across this fabulous salad recipe for both people and their pooches. Laney and Lilley LOVE raw carrots and I give them to them as treats daily, because they seem to help with Laney's allergies.

So I decided to try this little mixture out on them last night.Brian was at Wal-Mart and text me to see if I needed anything and I am sure he was thinking I was having so off the wall craving when I requested: shredded carrots, creamy peanut butter, and an orange. He got everything without a second thought and brought it home for me.

When I arrived from work he was at the grill making dinner and I started dumping the carrots into a bowl and heating the peanut butter so that it would be smooth. He came in and looked at me like I was crazy. I then explained that I was making the girls a salad. (He then gives me the, you are a total weirdo look)I began mixing the peanut butter and carrots together and then grabbed the orange (which he had bought several of) only to hear - let me guess the orange is for them too. I said of course. He then had to leave the room. He told me several times that they would just make a big mess with the salad, which I agreed they probably would. Well we were both WAY WRONG.

Laney and Lilley ate every single bite of their salad and wanted more. The mixture made four servings, but I did not want to give it all to them in one night. I kept telling them they would have to wait until tomorrow. They were so precious just licking their lips for about thirty minutes after eating their fabulous Rachel Ray salad. It was a refreshing, healthy treat that they really enjoyed. Love their little hearts!The recipes calls for some other ingredients for people so if you are interested in the recipe for you or your pooch, let me know.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back To Work!

Well, tonight is Brian's 1st night on 3rd shift and none of us are looking forward to it. He left a few minutes ago and I am already hating it. We keep telling ourselves how lucky we are that this is only going to be for a short time rather than potentially a few years. Hopefully, we will both be able to adjust to sleeping for this short period of time. He can sleep through almost anything and I barely sleep at all these days so hopefully it will all be over soon. He will remain on 3rd shift until they get someone trained and then he should be back on days. We are praying that he will be back on days before Brylee arrives.

He will be able to join me at a few of my Dr. visits now, and we are both excited about that. Only 11 more weeks!! It just does not seem like it has been that long at all. Minus the sickness at the beginning this has been a pretty pleasant pregnancy.

We had a pretty relaxing weekend and that was very nice. We both went out with friends Friday night after work, and had a great time. Brian went with some friends from work to Toot's for dinner and I went for a Girl's Night Out to Fuji's. I know us girls had a very nice time and the food was very good, of course Christina and I had to stop on the way home at Sonic for a little chocolate. IT WAS FABULOUS!

Lindy and I went and had our nails done yesterday and it was wonderful. I had a mani-pedi combo. The chair massaged me the entire time and the lady massaged my calves, ankles, feet, forearms, and hands. This is MUST for all the Prego's at least every other week. I was so relaxed I could have fallen asleep if the room were not so bright. Lindy had her toes painted and her nails done. We had a great time.

Mama and Daddy celebrated their 29th Anniversary Saturday, and we sent them to Olive Garden for dinner.

Chance and his friend Kody stayed the night last night. They went to the movies and then on the way home I had a craving for cake. We stopped by Kroger's at which time Chance and Kody were acting so silly. I never realized boys acted so weird. It was hilarious. We ended up with a cake and brownies, both of which were very good, but it turned out that I really wanted a piece of the cake we had a Lindsey's Baby Shower. But I made due.

I went today and bought some good supportive shoes so hopefully that will help with the swelling. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Well let me start by saying THANK YOU ROWENA!! For those of you who do not know Emily's grandma makes the BEST EVER homemade bread, and when Brian arrived from taking Emily home Sunday night he had quiet the surprise for Baby Reese. Rowena had baked a loaf of bread for Ms. Brylee Taite and I can tell you that we all enjoyed every bite. It was sooooooo gooooood!

We had a Dr. Appt. today which went very well. We are at the point that we will be going to the Dr. ever two weeks. And as Robyn informed me tonight, only eleven more weeks to go. I am thinking she will arrive between Dec. 11th-15th. Brian thinks she will arrive the weekend of Thanksgiving. Please tell us your thoughts.

Our visit today was with Dr. Moss, whom we liked very much. Mama and I felt that she was very thorough. I only gained 3 pounds this month which was far better than the 7 pounds the month prior. So all together I have gained 21 pounds so far. Say your prayers that I can keep it below 30. We are exactly 28 weeks and 4 days prego and measuring at 30 weeks which she said was good. She felt for my uterus and said this baby was everywhere. She also noticed some swelling in my ankles and told me to get some better shoes for support.

The one think that she told us that we found very funny was about the heartbeat. Dr. Moore does not guess because she said there was no truth to it, well Dr. Moss does. She asked what we were having after telling us that the heartbeat sounded very good and when I said GIRL, she was shocked. She said that she would have definitely guessed a BOY, but that the ultra sound tech had never been wrong before. Of course my Daddy said there was a first time for everything.

Annette that I work with is constantly saying that Brylee will be a BOY. She has said it so much that I dreamt the other night that I called her from the delivery room to tell her to get to the hospital and to make sure she brought my child something blue because she was right it was a BOY and if someone did not get there fast he would be going home dressed in pink to a pink room. Of course she thought it was hilarious. Either way we will be thrilled, although I am sure that we will be bringing home a Baby Girl, it was pretty funny to hear. We go back the 28th.

Brian will be starting 3rd shift Sunday night. He got very lucky though, because the guy on days turned in his notice thus leaving Brian as the Sr. Controls Tech. So, once they get someone else trained he will be back on days. Say a prayer that he is back on days before Brylee arrives.

Love You All!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bowling!! We went bowling tonight and had a really great time. We were joined by Grandma, Granddaddy, & Patsy. Emily got to use her bowling ball for the first time since receiving it for her birthday. She did really well and was telling us on the way home that it was her LUCKY BALL! She also was a big help to all who bowled, she was giving out tips! As you can see from the above she has a style all her own. Hope you can join us next time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 27

Brylee Taite is growing and it is becoming more obvious to me in many ways other than the growing belly. I am noticing a little more discomfort from day to day, but I wouldn't take anything for her little movements. It is truly an amazing experience. Here is an update on where we are at in our 27th week.

Your baby is really starting to get big. This week she weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. She now sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. She may suck her fingers, and although her lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if she were born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on.

We have our next visit the 13th, and should start going a little more than every four weeks soon. We are getting ready to pre-register at the hospital and possibly for some classes. Tell us what you think about the taking the classes, are the necessary?? We are looking at childbirth classes and breastfeeding classes. What do you think?

Mama bought Brylee her 1st Titans outfit last week and she was tickled to death to have found a pink one. They are big Titans fans and Bama fans so she now has a pink outfit for each team.

We spent the extended weekend just hanging around the house and making two trips to the Boro. We were trying to find Emily's hamster Chewy Ricky Bobby a new house. We bought one Saturday and assembled it, placed him inside, and watched. After a few minutes we decided he needed a bigger home. So we went back Sunday and got him a bigger house with some accessories. He seems to really like it. Here he is just sleeping so soundly on the top of his new house.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Clothes, Clothes, Clothes...

Well, I PASSED my test Thursday thankfully and I was told to go out and have a big dinner Friday night. Little did they know at the Dr. Office that I had eaten Logan's after I left the office that day. Mama and I decided to stop by Once Upon a Child in the 'Boro n our way home and ran across some really GREAT deals, outfits and sleepers that ranged from $1.00 - $2.00 on SALE!! We racked up. We each had a bag full of clothes and neither of us paid over $25.00, so between the sales and Hey Diddle Diddle and some early gifts Brylee has ended up with a full closet at home as well as her Grandparent's house. We were preparing for Chance's game Friday and decided to run and get Sonic on the way to the game. We sat there forever, they just could not seem to get our order right. Emily got her burger and drink but not her cheese tots, until we were all finished and by then she did not really want them. It started lightning really bad, but we still planned to go to the game. We stopped at the bank and before we could pull out Daddy called and told us not to come because it was lightning so badly. He said that they had pulled them off the field. We headed home and before we could make it the rain was coming down. We were very glad to see the rain, but even happier when we pulled in the garage! They ended up playing the rain out game Saturday night, but Chance, Mama, and Daddy had to work the Quarterback Club at the Celebration so they could not attend. We decided to go to the horse show and visit them since we missed them the night before. Mama was selling ice cream and dippin' dots and Daddy and Chance were working the concession stand. All I might add appeared to be having a ball. Emily sat with Mama and enjoyed some cookies and cream dippin' dots while sporting her Ukraine soccer jersey that they brought her back from the mission trip. It appeared that business picked up for Mama while Emily sat there eating.

I also picked out the outfit Ms. Brylee Taite will be coming home from the hospital in. I just love it, it is so precious. The outfit can change from a gown into a little jumper with matching bonnet. I got it at Jellybeans in town, and if you have not been there they have some of the cutest stuff. I know Robyn and I have found lots of cute stuff there. She also has gorgeous new blanket that Marie a lady I work with had her mother in law make me. It is very nice. Her mother in law just went to an assisted living facilty in the 'Boro and made this in no time. Emily and I love it, it is very warm.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I am absolutely THRILLED to spread the news that The Chancesta is one of only EIGHT Freshman at Shelbyville Central High School that made the High School Varsity Team. We are all so proud of him. Chance has been working very hard and spending a lot of time at the school weight training and practicing. So if you happen to be in Shelbyville Friday night come support Chance and the Shelbyville Golden Eagles!

Mama and I went today for the three hour test and when I arrived they pricked my finger and said that everything looked good, but I still had to take the three hour test. I had to drink this horrible orange drink and sit for an hour, have my blood drawn, sit for an hour, have my blood drawn, sit for yet another hour, have my blood drawn and then we got to leave. I was starving. We paid Tara a visit at her work and then headed to Logan's for some food. YUMMY!

I will not know the results until tomorrow, but I am hopeful that all is well.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Well, I failed my sugar test today. I have to go back next Thursday for THREE HOUR test. I have to be there at 8am and then have my blood tested every hour for three hours. Mama is going to go with me and I am not looking forward to the test at all. I am measuring right on track and the lady obviously does not know how to use a scale because she CLAIMED that I ALLEGEDLY gained 7 lbs. this visit, and I refuse to believe that. Mama and I reviewed my chart carefully and so far looks like I have gained 18 lbs.! My iron was also low so I am now taking an iron pill daily. Please say a prayer that we pass the three hour test Thursday. After that we have another visit the 13th.

The only good thing about it is that I should get at least three hours of reading done on my Harry Potter book. Mama was about to fall asleep today at the office, she had taken some Benadryl just before she met me at the house so hopefully she will lay off that Thursday so that she can entertain me.

Brylee's heart beat was 150 and she has been kicking a lot more lately. Brian and I were laying in bed Saturday night about 11pm and she started kicking. I asked him if he wanted to feel it and placed his hand on my belly only to find that Ms. Brylee Taite would stop the moment he laid his hand there. We finally rolled over to go to sleep because he decided that she was not going to do it while he was trying to feel it. The minute I rolled over she was kicking like crazy it was so funny, I grabbed his hand really quick and sure enough he felt her little kick. I was so glad that he was there to share that moment with me because that was the first time that she had ever kicked so that I could feel it on the outside of my belly. It was very neat.

I am also finding that she becomes very lively late in the evening. I am not sleeping at all at night, not because of her tiny movements but because every time I move I find that I have to get up and go to the bathroom. Not sure if this is because all I drink is water and lots of it or because she is growing and weighing down on my bladder.

Brian is really enjoying his new position and seems to have caught on quickly. He asked me today id anyone ever passed that test because all we here lately is that everyone is failing. Give me your thoughts because I do not want gestational diabetes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Precious Pumpkin

Well our little precious pumpkin will be very fashionable next summer, thanks to her Aunt Tara. She has just returned from Florida with Ms. Brylee Taite's very first swimsuit. I know that you will agree that is the most adorable swimsuit ever. I cannot wait to see her in it.

I also received another special surprise when I arrived at work Monday. Cindy Troyer a lady in our shipping dept. made us this snuggle blanket. I can totally see her wrapped up in it every day. And when you fold it up it looks like a crown. So you know I am all over that.

We go for our next Dr. visit on the 16th and I have to have my blood taken as well as do my diabetes tests. I hope that all goes well. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

They're Back!!!

Thank goodness they are back. Daddy, Mama, and Chance made it back safe and sound with a few bumps along the way. They arrived in NY around 2:30pm on Monday and then the fun began. They were scheduled to fly out at 7:20pm and at around 7:19pm Daddy called to let us know that the flight had been delayed until about 9pm. They finally flew out about 9:45pm and after flying for ten hours back from the Ukraine and then sitting for about seven hours at JFK, they arrived in Nashville around 11:30pm. They all went to claim their luggage only to find that only 3 pieces of luggage were there, this was three pieces of luggage for the ENTIRE PLANE! They finally text me around 1am to say that they were finally heading home. They made it to the house around 2am. Daddy went back Tuesday to gather up their luggage and everyone got some rest.

I requested that they cook some dinner for us that night so that we could go visit them, at which time Daddy informed me that I should be cooking for them. I then informed him that I was not the one who chose to leave for TEN days. Daddy grilled some steaks, baked potatoes, and a salad. It was so good! They had a really great time and would definitely be returning in the future. They brought back some really cool stuff for each of us. One thing that I have always wanted and truly love with all my heart is little Slavika (that's what I named her) isn't she FABULOUS! I was so excited when I saw her I was playing like a kid. Some of you may remember on Sesame Street how you would see them all spread out on a table and then they would jump back into one another, if not I do. I just think she is great. These are very big in the Ukraine and are all hand painted.

Brian got a new position at Tower that he has been training in Franklin for all week. He will now be a Controls Tech troubleshooting the programs of the equipment. He is very excited about this position and has actually been offered it three times and turned it down due to the fact that it will be a third shift position. We discussed this a lot and decided that it is a really good career move for him and will be very beneficial in the future so he bid on the job and got it. He will train on days for the next three months and then move to third shift unless something changes (which we really hope and pray) allowing him to stay on day shift. Either way it is a good move and I am sure Ms. Brylee Taite will be very proud of her Daddy, just like her Mommy is.

Mama took a voluntary lay off from Century Mold indefinitely and will now be able to go to my Dr. visits with me and help out now and later with the baby. I am very fortunate to have her readily available to help out. And who better to watch your child if you have to go back to work than your own mother. Brian and I are very blessed to not have to put her in daycare at such a young age.

Lindy will be starting the new school year with a new group of students and a new classroom. She is very excited and the room is much bigger than they one she had last year. She is a great kindergarten teacher and I know Southside is very lucky to have her.

Laney and Lilley are doing well also. I have ordered them some steps to get up onto the bed without assistance so that I am not trying to pick them up and put them in the bed when Brian is on third shift. Keep us all in your prayers, we go back to the Dr. the 16th.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Somebody really likes the new quilt...

I am in my 22nd week and feeling GREAT, in fact I find that I am feeling so well that I have a tendency to overexert myself very easily these days. There is just so much to be done. I am so ready for my shower.( In Oct.) I can hardly stand it. I get so excited about everything these days. The smallest thing that has to do with Baby Reese is just so much fun. Emily has been such a HUGE help. She asks if I need anything and helps me out when we grocery shop. We wanted to do something fun for her this weekend so, she and Brian went to the fair Saturday night and ended up getting rained on.

Daddy, Mama, and Chance will be flying home tomorrow (Monday) so please pray for them. They are having a very good time, but I am so glad they are heading home. I have missed them so much. Mama is going to be so surprised when she comes home and finds all the goodies that I got for the baby to have at her house. I got her a car seat, butterfly mat, walker, booster seat, swing, and her bouncy seat. She is not going to believe that I got all that for $65.00 at yard sales and Hey Diddle Diddle. Emily and I waited for a little over an hour and ended up with the car seat and base, butterfly mat, books, pants, and some maternity tops at Hey Diddle Diddle on SALE!

We are finally seeing some growth in our little garden. Everything planted has died except for our tomato plant. Brian and I were so shocked to see this little guy the other day. We were sure that everything was gone due to the heat, but we were wrong.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Today I received a gift that is just FABULOUS. Faye Lynn a lady that I work with made Baby Reese this wonderful quilt. It is the most beautiful quilt in the world. I love it so much. I am so excited!

It is absolutely perfect for her and her room. I know she will love it so much and spend many days and nights playing or covering up with her Mommy with it.

She is moving more and more these days and I am so overjoyed with that. She seems to be right on track according to all the books I am reading. Of course Harry Potter is my reading escape from Baby Info. We are now in our 21st week and I do not appear to be packing on a lot of excess weight, for now. Of course food has never tasted better than it has in the last few weeks but I am trying my best not to go overboard. Although I did have two SMALL butterscotch dipped cones last night, Brian has been really craving ice cream, not me. He ate a large Kit Kat blizzard and then made me order a quart of soft serve ice cream. He then informs me that when I want more ice cream tomorrow night, he will already have some. (Hello, like I don't know where to find it if I want it!!)

Robyn gave me some baby clothes, blankets, and maternity clothes last night that are so appreciated. The maternity clothes are SOOOOOOOO comfortable and fit good, for now. Mary Anne, Robyn's mom gave us a onesie that has a little pink froggie embroidered on it. I cannot wait to put her in it. It is adorable, not to mention the little froggie burp cloth Robyn got us and frame for her ultrasound picture.

Our friend Steph will be induced tomorrow so Ms. Sadie Ellis will be her soon

We are so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family. I swear I have the best friends in the world.

I got a text from Luke Faulk whose father is in the Ukraine with Daddy, Mama, and Chance telling me that they would call on Thursday but all was well and they were having a good time. They will be flying home Monday. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well we spent the weekend registering, and oh what fun. We were all so tired when we finally made it back home but I think we are finally registered for everything that we could think off. We had a good time registering and Emily was the scanner. She was blowing the scanner after each scan like it was a smoking gun. It was hilarious. We are now officially registered at Babies-R-Us, Target, and Wal-Mart.(We are online at these places as well.) Tara is heading up the shower planning for October. I can't wait, we found the cutest stuff.

Daddy, Mama, and Chance called around 2:30am Saturday and they arrived safely in the Ukraine. Daddy sounded very excited, but I am sure most of his excitement was the thankfulness of being off that plane. I am sure they will have a very memorable and rewarding trip.

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Love you all!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The name game...

Way to go:

Lisa & Kelly
Amanda Dale

You all guessed her name!

Sondra, you have her first name, you will have her middle name in no time. JUST REMEMBER DON'T TELL!!!

I want to Thank All of you who have participated so far. It has been really fun seeing your guesses. Keep them coming!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Baby Reese officially has a name now.
See if you can figure it out from the scrambled letters below.
Email me if you have a guess and I will let you know if you are correct.
Have Fun!


Please keep my family and the members of Calvary Baptist Church in your thoughts and prayers.
They will be leaving Friday for a ten day mission trip to the Ukraine.

Love you all!