We went for our follow up with Dr. Castleberry in Murfreesboro on Friday. I have been feeling very uncomfortable when going to Dr. Barbara over the last few months and wanted to see how Brylee and I felt about a different pediatrician. We normally have a huge cyring spell and it takes a while to get Brylee calmed when visiting the Dr., she was to a point that she would cry when she heard their footsteps approach. Now don't get me wrong they have always cared for Brylee and we especially LOVE Jean with all our heart, but unfortunatley we can't always be seen by her.
So back to the follow up... Dr. Castleberry was AMAZING. She introduced Brylee to each instrument before she did anything and made us both feel so calm. There was no being told to hold her down and struggle with her while her face was beat red. She made it fun for her and Brylee let her check her ears (she told her she needed to find the birdie in her ear and when she would start to look she would make chirping noises and Brylee's eyes would light up at the thought of a birdie in her ear.) She answered all my questions and told me that we had nothing to worry about she was just fine and just a little on the petite side but nothing that should be a concern. She gave us some tips on the teeth grinding and bedtime routine. She said that Brylee was able to do things like point out her ears, eyes, nose, and mouth that were 18 month old skills and that was very impressive at her age. So that made me happy. They never do things like that at Dr. Barbara's. Sometimes I feel like they are to rushed and not very informative. After Dr. Castleberry was finished Brylee followed her out of the room. This NEVER happens, we usually spend 10 minutes trying to calm her just to get her to the car. Where she normally falls asleep from crying so hard.
So needless to say as much as we hate to leave Jean and have an out of town Dr., we requested to have ALL her records transferred ASAP. We go back June 5th for her 18 mth checkup as long as she is well between now and then. Thanks for the prayers!
I would also like to ask that you keep two gentlemen that were injured yesterday at Bemis due to a press explosion in your prayers. Both were lifeflighted to Vanderbilt. Please pray for them and their families as well as a special thank you prayer to the guys that helped to rescue them and get them to safety.
Love YA!
We love Dr castleberry too!! That is who Nate goes to she is GREAT!!! Ethan goes to Dr Bradley, but she is out too on maternity leave so we choose Dr Castleberry for Nate. All the Dr at MMC are good I think you will be very please going there!! I'M GLAD TO HEAR SHE IS FEELING AND DOING A LOT BETTER!!
We see Dr. Adams at MMC. If we cannot see her we see Dr. Collins. I am glad she has had a pleasant experience finally.
Sometimes you just gotta' do what you gotta'. Brylee doesn't need to be afraid of going to the doctor. Glad she is doing much better.
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