Well I am officially out of work until Thursday per Dr. 's orders. I have not been feeling well for about two weeks now. I have been transitioning in to a new position at work and of course I get sick when that lady I have been training to back up heads off to her own 2 week training classes in Wisconsin. So needless to say my absence the last two weeks were out of the question. Well I got even worse over the weekend and had no choice but to go to the Dr. yesterday. I hate missing work and hate going to the Dr. even more. But I had no other choice when Brylee woke up with a little cough yesterday morning.
I went to the Dr. at 10:45 and was told that I have a very bad case of a virus going around and had I waited another week I would have been hospitalized with either bronchitis or pneumonia. I was like WOW, I knew I had been feeling bad but I never imagined that. He informed me that I was highly contagious and needed to leave Brylee with Mama if possible until I was able to return to work. THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST HORRIBLE THING HE COULD HAVE TOLD ME! But if it keeps her well, we will do what we need to do.
I was given a shot in the booty, Z-Pack, cough syrup with codine, and an inhalor. It all started with little sinus congestion and a cough that excalated to the feeling of being rammed by several semi's on both sides of my body and a continuous cough that never stopped and now I am finding it hard to breath. So I am planning plenty of rest and very litte talking. (The little talking part, I am sure Brian would like to see stay on long after I am back to my old self.) Brian is having some sinus issues as well but hopefully we can get his taken care of well before it reaches this point. Please keep us all in your prayers!
I have several pics from several events that have taken place over the last month. Talk to you all soon! Gotta get better before Christmas!
We celebrated Uncle Chance's 16th birthday with a surprise bolwing party. Which I must say he had no idea! Everyone had a great time. So watch out drivers Chance Barton is on the road!
BryleeTaite Reese also celebrated her very 1st every BIRTHDAY! Thank you all for coming and for the wonderful cards and gifts you gave/sent. We are so blessed to have so many great friends and family members who shared in this special day.
We also had our very 1st haircut and saw her 1st parade!
And now BIG news from Emily Reese who received the KINDNESS AWARD at her school for doing a kind act for others around her. So make sure to mention how very PROUD you are of our very kind little girl who is also the family genious making her 2nd A/B honor roll!
Talk to you later, Rachel Ray is on!
Girl...sorry to hear you are sick and that Brylee has to go to your moms. Take this time to rest!!!
It's about time!! I hope you feel better soon!! Love the picture of my little thief zooming by with Brylee's Little Crunchies!!
Brylee is already ONE??? WOW!!
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