Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, we have just been chillin' at the house this weekend. Brylee has had a stuffy nose and Mommy has had a sore throat, so Daddy has been having fun. We have been sucking Brylee's nose all weekend and she is so silly that she opens her mouth as wide as she can trying to put the nose sucker in it. Then when you tell her how gross it is, she just smiles and thinks it is great. Here are a few pictures of Brylee chillin' over the weekend.
She keeps her fist or fingers on her mouth a lot these days. Mama thinks she may be cutting teeth. We will see. She also feels that she is to grown up to nap during the day. She will fall asleep in your arms and the minute you lay her down, she is wide awake. Afraid she might miss something, she's gonna be nosey just like her Mama.
Here you will see that she is deep in thought about what, one can only imagine.

Sittin' up watching TV (looking just like Brian and Emily when they watch cartoons)

Brylee Taite also received her first rose on Valentine's Day from her Papa and lots of Valentine's from Grandma & Granddaddy, Nanny & Papa, Uncle Chance, and Lydia & Rachel.

She goes to the Chiro on Thursday for some more head shaping and it is looking great.
Keep us in your prayers.
Love you All!


Sondra said...

To sweet!! I love the picture of watching TV. That is GREAT!!

We looked at a house across from you all today. Don't see that happening! The houses are to close together. Was thinking it would be cool to be your neighbor. We could have holiday deco outside war. I am gonna do better this year.

But you guys weren't home. Love the blog! Love you guys!!

jpasalakis said...

Oh my goodness...I totally see my brother in that picture of her watching t.v. She's too precious!