Saturday, March 22, 2008


Rowena made it through the surgery just fine. She was talking to us and seemed to be adjusting well. Helen said that the Dr.'s think she may get to go to the rehab facility on Monday. They were going to try to walk around the hospital today. The Dr.'s have said that since she is so active that she may be able to return home as normal after her rehab. So please keep them in your prayers, she still has some time before she is back to herself and her bread making... :)

As for our little Hero Emily, she has a little bit of a runny nose, but other than that she is doing wonderfully. She rolls her eyes everytime I tell her that she is a Hero, but I just explain to her that a lot of little girls her age might have been to upset and scared to act so quickly like she did and for that she was very brave and she is Grandma's Hero!!

The little Taiterbug is just as fabulous as ever. She is noticing everything and just as nosey as her mommy. What more could a girl ask for??

Love you all! Hope you all have a great Easter holiday with family and friends always rememebering the very reason we celebrate.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Luke 24:1-8 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' " Then they remembered his words.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Please say a prayer for Emily, her grandmother Rowena, and their family. Rowena fell Tuesday night around 9pm-10pm while going to answer the phone in the kitchen. Emily was already in bed, and is a very sound sleeper. Rowena laid there calling out to Emily finally waking her up. Emily did such a good job, she called Helen at work and Helen called 911 (of course beating the ambulance to the house.) Emily made sure that she was comfortable by getting her a pillow and blanket until help arrived. We are very proud of her!!

Rowena is at Harton Regional in Tullahoma awaiting surgery. Her Dr.’s have said that her blood was too thin and they do not want to operate yet. They will have to do the surgery by Friday because they do not want her to lie in bed any longer than that. She will be receiving a HEMI (partial hip replacement). She will have a very extensive recovery process spending 4-5 days in the hospital, approximately 4 weeks in rehab, and then around 8 weeks at home requiring someone with her at all times.

Please keep them in your prayers!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Horton Hears A Who & Misty & Emily Do TOO!!

Brian and I went to Target last weekend and they had a huge to do about Horton Hears A Who. Well Emily was not with us but I had to get her the stuff. I told the lady that I needed some Horton stuff, and she looked at me like I had lost my mind, so I had to explain that it was for Emily and that we did not have her that weekend but I really wanted to take these home to her. She gave me a treat bag full of goodies, some coloring pages, Horton Ears, and The Cat in the Hat's Hat. We surpised Brian with our new look when he came out of the bathroom tonight. Brylee is asleep, but I know she would have heard the Who Too!!

Our little Horton had an early birthday surprise when she entered her room too. Emily has a To Do List at the house and learning to ride a bike without training wheels is at the top of the list. So guess what she got...

I will keep you posted on the progress!! She looks like she is ready to ride to me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

To pierce or not to pierce, that is the question???

To pierce or not to pierce, that is the question???

Well, I had my ears pierced at a young age and I am thinking of having Brylee Taite’s pierced soon. Everyone says that they don’t seem to hurt as badly if done at her age and she will not bother them as much.

So, I want to hear what you think? Should we pierce or wait??
Brylee can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


We went to church to watch Uncle Chance sing, and he did awesome. We love it when the youth lead the service and Luke Faulk did a wonder job with the sermon. We kept hearing how adorable Ms. Brylee Taite was in the paper and I must agree. So if you didn't get the Sunday TG here is a look at this beautiful baby girl.

born 12-3-07
daughter of Brian and Misty Reese, Shelbyville
Big Sister: Emily K. Reese
Grandparents: Pat and LaTresa Barton, Micky and Jill Reese––all of Shelbyville
Great-Grandparents: Norman (Butch) and Evelyn Dell Barton, Leighton and Rhonda Reed, Eula Epperson––all of Shelbyville, Ralph and Betty Reese, Lynchburg, Doug Noble, Aurora, Il.
Aunts & Uncles: Lindy Barton and Chance Barton––both of Shelbyville, Eric and Jennifer Pasalakis, Nolensville

Another Fabulous Weekend!

We had a busy weekend...

We gave Brylee a mohawk on Thursday I think. She kept looking in the mirror and OHHH and AHHH over herself. She knows that she ROCKS!!

We went for our GNO with the family on Saturday to Rafael's and bowling. J-Pac was rockin the shades after her surgery. NO FLASH NO FLASH. Molly came to the bowling alley and wanted to bowl so Aunt Misty gave her a few turns. She was so HA - PPY! I mean, it couldn't hurt my score, I don't think I ever broke 100.

J-Pac has a hard time following directions, she was supposed to keep her eye open so the Dr. could mark it, but instead she blinked and she cannot touch her eye. So this lovely mark is hers for the time being.

We all had a GREAT time and I am so glad we are doing this.